Flap disc machine advantage

    2020-01-07   reading

    Flap disc machine advantage_Flap disc machine advantage_flap disc machine_flap disc_flap dsic manufacturer

    Flap disc machine is mainly for the production of flap disc, to create benefits, the production capacity of the equipment directly determines whether there is value. Flap disc machine has the following four advantages:

    1, High degree of automation, a single person can complete the whole machine operation, free labor, save labor costs for you.

    2, High production efficiency, each machine work (8 hours) can produce 5,000-5,500 pieces, make more money.

    3. High utilization rate of production materials, adhesive and belt can be set freely to serve small and medium-sized enterprises.

    4, Very low rejection rate, the machine adjusted, close to zero percent rejection rate, so that your production more worry.

    The above four advantages can let the customer fully experience the high performance of the equipment, is the most important of all the reference standards.

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